Old Carts, Socrates, PQRST - Nursing Mnemonics for Pain & Symptoms

Old Carts, Socrates, PQRST - Nursing Mnemonics for Pain & Symptoms
Photo by Firmbee.com / Unsplash

Here are a few great nursing mnemonics for patients with a complaint of pain or other symptoms when you want to get more information.

Old Carts

  • O - Onset
  • L - Location
  • D - Duration
  • C - Character
  • A - Alleviating and Aggravating factors
  • R - Raditation
  • T - Treatments
  • S - Severity


  • S - Site
  • O - Onset
  • C - Character
  • R - Radiation
  • A - Associated symptoms
  • T - Time span/duration
  • E - Exacerbating & relieving factors
  • S - Severity


  • P - Provoking factors
  • Q - Quality
  • R - Region & Radiation
  • S - Severity
  • T - Time

If you have a great nursing mnemonic for pain and symptoms, let us know!

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